My values as a product leader

August 27, 2024

0 min read


As a product leader, I’m often asked what I truly care about, what drives my decisions, and what sets me apart from others. Over the years, I’ve distilled my approach into six core principles that define my practice.

These aren’t just theories—they’re hard-earned lessons from the trenches of product development. I’m always open to debate, so if you see things differently, let’s talk - I love talking about this stuff.

Tell a Good Story.

Over the years, I’ve found that people unite best over a shared vision or something that excites them. A compelling story is often more powerful than any process—it’s what truly drives engagement and motivation. Meetings and documentation have their place, but the narrative that energizes and aligns people is what really matters.

Shipping > Everything.

Experience has taught me that in product development, we’re rarely right on the first try. After making countless decisions, I’ve realized that predicting success is incredibly challenging. What’s most important is taking many shots—shipping quickly and iterating often. The faster we move, the more we learn.

Get Closer to the Truth.

I’m inspired by how scientists constantly strive to get closer to the truth. In my approach, I bring that same rigor to my work. In companies, I often see the opposite—people defending positions by cherry-picking data or clinging to myths. I prefer to root my thinking in solid research and engage in discussions that challenge my assumptions, helping me refine my understanding.

Be Ready to Throw Anything Away.

One thing I’ve seen time and again is that attachment to products or ideas can lead to poor decisions. If something isn’t working, it’s crucial to iterate on it or let it go entirely. Being willing to cut what doesn’t work is essential for keeping the product strong and relevant.

Focus on Core Needs.

I’ve noticed that while tools and trends change, human needs remain constant. Fax machines were once indispensable, but now they’re obsolete. The need to communicate, however, is timeless. Focusing on these enduring needs, rather than getting caught up in fleeting trends, is key to creating lasting value.

Beauty Elevates the Experience.

In software, as in life, the details make all the difference. I’ve learned that the user experience can be transformed by thoughtful design, much like how a well-designed airport makes travel more enjoyable. I strive to ensure our software is a place where users want to spend their time—where beauty and function come together to elevate the experience.

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